Hallelujah! That´s my warm weather training over; - now bring on those gale force winds, driving rain and pure misery that is the English summer. I´m going to take tomorrow off, have a few beers for the end of season party at work (first time since St. George´s Day), nurse the inevitable hangover on Monday and then fly back home on Tuesday.
On the whole would have to say that the training has gone well, it wasn´t looking too clever a couple of weeks ago when I was riddled with blisters, the old shoulder was playing up to some tune, and me knees came up like a couple of plum puddings. Oh yes and I was covered in a heat rash even though the sun hadn´t been out for two days. I´ll miss these military style days in a strange masochistic type way. Getting up at 6am, packing up the rucksack with books and bottles of water (to about 15kg), greasing myself down with sun block, prising my eye lids open with the toothbrush and taping up me toes with Duct Tape (was costing me a fortune in plasters). Then it was out to do battle with Spanish speeding motorists ( coincided with kicking out time from the nightclubs around the corner) who hurled abuse while they hung out of their windows, waved their arms like hysterical owls and occasionally tried to run me over. Don´t ask me why. But there´s something about the sight of a bloke clad in a floppy hat and rucksack that drives yer average pissed up Spik into a rage. I think that maybe they think I´m some sort of homeless junkie (as they have no concept of backpackers in these parts), later confirmed when some toothless wonder stopped me today on my way home and asked me for a fag. – probably expected me to break out a clay pipe, offer him a swig out of me bottle of “Emperado” and a quick blow on me harmonica.
Did 21 miles today, the heat was relentless and I was suddenly looking forward to starting the real thing. The route I use is actually very pleasing on the eye, as you can see from me snaps, but I´ve been staring at the same roads for nearly 3 months now and I´m due a change – there´ll be a change alright – I´ve not been rained on once!
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