It's been that sort of week really, running around in circles for days on end getting nowhere fast and disappearing up between my own bum cheeks. After all the training, the preparation and the difference of opinion with the doctors receptionist, passport office security men, and another doctors receptionist, the upshot is that I still have my old passport (which runs out in 3 weeks), I am still as deaf as a post, and after today, coming close to the end of my tether - and I haven't started yet!
The train to Berwick-Upon-Tweed set off on time from York but after an hour we were half an hour behind schedule - I'm still trying to work that one out (I can't remember going backwards at any point). I thought I heard some bloke over the intercom say something about approaching Berwick, (athough everybody sounds like the teacher on Charlie Brown to me at the moment) it seemed to take a long time - a very long time. Thinking back now, it might have been that bit when we pulled up under a bridge, it was a very long train and the front end could have been in Berwick I suppose, anyway I ended up in Edinburgh with steam coming out of me ears - that didn't clear em either. Hilariously it cost me more to get back from there than it was to get fromWest Yorkshire to Berwick???
On the upside, it's very lovely round these parts and the weather seems set fair for the big off tomorrow morning.
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